This little girl is Megan and she is 9 years old. When we first saddled up this morning, she was so scared she was sobbing. I told her that she would be fine and that she could ride right next to me and I would lead her horse for her. She was still scared but she wiped her tears and said “OK”. (Consequently, since she was in the front with me, she got to see some wildlife that no one else did.) After a few ups and downs on steep hills, I pulled her aside and told her that I was just in the way by leading her horse and that she didn’t need me. So she hesitantly took control, and within a couple hours, she was putting that horse wherever she wanted to go! When we finished our ride and I took the parting shots, I handed her my hat for a photo because she had shown all the other gals what it really meant to “Cowboy Up”.