3 Day Packing Clinics

Hello Everyone!

We are excited to offer pack clinics this spring and early fall, in the Centennial Valley, Montana. We are planning on offering these pack clinics (May 24-26 Full) & (May 30-June 1 Available) 

Our Experience

Casey has spent the last 20 years packing mules and horses in the Montana Back- country and has owned his now Outfit for the last 10 years. Cecile has made a living starting and training horses for many different disciplines and jobs. Ourselves and our wranglers all have multiple years of packing experience and have worked together through many summer and hunting seasons together.


What to Expect

Anyone who has interest in hunting, camping or packing horses and or mules for a liv- ing is welcome. In this three day clinic we will be covering basic ground work to get a horse or mule safely prepared to be packed, things to look for in a good pack horse or mule as well as safe ways to pack a green or inexperienced horse or mule. We will show you different ways to pack a variety of loads from meat quarters to loose camp- ing gear. You will learn different packing styles over the course of three days. We test your packing abilities at the end of day two by having you pack one of our experienced pack mules as quickly and well as possible and get it through an obstacle course with- out losing your loads. On day three, you will be going into the back country with us to pack one of our camps in. We will be providing a horse for you to ride, if you don’t have your own. By the end of our three day clinic you should be confident enough to do ba- sic packing jobs and safely start a green horse or mule at packing, assuming you have some horse handling experience. 

Weather and how to Prepare

Weather in southwest Montana can change unexpectedly, so being prepared for any- thing will be a great advantage to you. The weather can be rainy, snowy, and sunny all at the same time. Having rain proof gear will be a great insurance.


Boarding & Food

We have a bunkhouse in which you can make yourself at home during your stay. We will provide meals during your stay. If you arrive the day before you are responsible for your own food. Be aware that we are located about 1 hour from any grocery stores, so if you want snacks or drinks, make sure to buy something before arriving here. We will provide fresh bottles of water in the bunkhouse but please bring your own water to carry with you, packing is a very physical job and we don’t want anyone getting dehydrated.

Cost: $1,000 (50% deposit at time of signup)
If you wish to join one of these clinics please respond to this email or call me.

Contact Information:

Address: 27 S Valley Rd 59739 Lima, Montana 

Phone: (406) 660-7088

Email: casey@centennialoutfitters.com 

Best Regards,

 Centennial Outfitters